Mighty Warrior

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  • Schema nameknights.1.1
  • Template ID616632
  • Is burnable
  • Is transferable
  • Issued69
  • Max. supply69
  • Burned0
  • Circulating supply69

A Mighty Warrior aged 300 years and still fighting for his kingdom.

  • AttributeValue
  • name Mighty Warrior
  • img QmXC2JSxnPkxue8f7KJP39hQMuDoqkXGCoW3ZgaauWYkKT
  • Description A Mighty Warrior aged 300 years and still fighting for his kingdom.
  • Rarity Epic
  • Origin https://www.midjourney.com/app/jobs/927ac7f7-a065-4ee2-ad78-f0a76dbd88a3/