Blue Wizard Hummingbird Watercolor

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  • Schema namehummingstamp
  • Template ID57459
  • Is burnable
  • Is transferable
  • Issued220
  • Max. supply220
  • Burned166
  • Circulating supply54
  • AttributeValue
  • name Blue Wizard Hummingbird Watercolor
  • img Qmf8YURWrvvoY7Wr13geFxp7AJNrtTkZRX48B74wEupdZJ
  • series Hummingbird Stamps
  • content A special Blue Wizard Hummingbird in watercolor style
  • image name The Blue Wizard Hummingbird Watercolor
  • author Mosaic NFT Art
  • created 17.02.2021
  • Twitter @MosaicNFTArt
  • Telegram Channel:, Chat:
  • info The Blue Wizard Hummingbird is painted with watercolor, maybe from Vincent Van Gogh who was well known as one of the biggest NFT Artists.