Distributed through Twitter events and via tipbots, monKeyslots, monKeymining, monKeymiles and monKeytrains.
- Collection
- Schema namemonkeystacks
- Template ID528364
- Is burnable
- Is transferable
- Issued1,919
- Max. supply1,919
- Burned56
- Circulating supply1,863
- AttributeValue
- name Tweetlon
- img QmPiz1f37KsMM8S6kobxunZ6qePq5Ki2a7Xrkh9M3XyQiV
- backimg QmYDxr9iCEzi2TPzwt54B2ADMXAZkQnqjjVnXdnJoyRSMw
- card_id 73
- generation 1
- rarity Uncommon
- credits sri and Ghostcam
- text Distributed through Twitter events and via tipbots, monKeyslots, monKeymining, monKeymiles and monKeytrains.
- memability 18
- stonks 6
- pumpamentality 8
- ape strength 19
- chimp speed 4
- potassium diet 20
- sneakiness 18
- awesomeness 21
- powwah 19