Space Launch

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  • Template ID764149
  • Is burnable
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  • Issued140
  • Max. supply140
  • Burned31
  • Circulating supply109

After a good time of meeting new friends and building a rocket it is time! Mr. Squid is on the breach of having his dreamed adventures. T-minus 5... 4... 3... 2... 1.......... NF Sea Dragon lift off from Earth successful! CrewToons here we go! All what Mr. Squid ever dreamed of starts here in peace..... Right????

  • AttributeValue
  • name Space Launch
  • img QmdBFVYcqngjwQozaVQQ5fiq4e5c6vK4tiTxpnYAvCmSSY
  • rarity Rare
  • description After a good time of meeting new friends and building a rocket it is time! Mr. Squid is on the breach of having his dreamed adventures. T-minus 5... 4... 3... 2... 1.......... NF Sea Dragon lift off from Earth successful! CrewToons here we go! All what Mr. Squid ever dreamed of starts here in peace..... Right????
  • phase 3
  • nftArtist Fayren / Adrien Feriolo
  • artistSocials /