
Last updated on: Sep 22, 2024, 10:24:49 PM
Last updated on: Sep 22, 2024, 10:24:49 PM

Auction canceled

24.00000000 WAX

Minimum bid

Seller arkr.wam

  • AttributeValue
  • name Tucano-de-bico-preto
  • img Qmdyx8BTpqSAsC1k1WvPNYTFWFsikPwevErrwopfXT7aaK
  • description Tucano-de-bico-preto (Ramphastos vitellinus) - Ink, watercolor and colored pencils sketch on paper. It measures about 46 centimeters in length. Its main characteristic, the black beak, is laterally compressed in the upper part, a characteristic that can be seen under light, where a kind of crease can be seen. The bill can be all black, or black with a yellowish line on top.
  • BackImg QmZytqeWNCLUL1eychJUEnq4GybEE5oAtNLTgTUBFJrAs9
  • Social Media Follow us on Twitter: @Orlando11017315, join us on Telegram: https://t.me/BRSketchArt . More BRSketchArt! on: https://neftyblocks.com/c/brsketchart1/

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