Dino Egg
psychodinoss5.99 WAX
Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞
Sold 524
Possible mint: #707 / ∞
5.99 WAX
Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞
Sold 524
This egg have 3 random puzzle pieces inside for new blends "Neon Dino" and "Illegal Dino". You need to collect 6 pieces for each blend.
2 pieces of puzzle is rare with 2% drop, this 2 pieces you can get also with blend.
Blend Link: https://neftyblocks.com/c/psychodinoss/blends
Discord: https://discord.gg/htkPa6QM6N
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vladwaves
Atomic Hub: https://wax.atomichub.io/explorer/collection/psychodinoss