




Available / Max supply 34 / 100

Sold 66

VexEros' newest drop is Stontu! Happy Halloween!

Stontu is a unique and supernatural crepuscular creature. Not only is this creature only present in the physical world at sunup and sundown, but also only at a certain time of year at the end of October. Stontu is brought into the physical world by crepuscular sunrays that are only present at sunrise and sunset. Stontu is huge in size and has to be as this entity transports the spirits of the dead into the physical world at the end of October and then after a few days transports the spirits back into the realm of the dead. If you look closely at this image you can see Stontu taking a rest on the landscape. Some say Stontu resembles a large cat. Some say Stontu resembles a large gecko lizard. Some say Stontu resembles both animals, and legend has it that anyone who sees Stontu in the physical world will have good luck for the rest of their life.

Only 100 mints at 1 Wax each!

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