Possible mint: #137 / ∞


Ocean Planet Founders Token Second Drop


1,884.06 WAX

Available / Max supply 74 / 100

Sold 26

no more than 500 Tokens will be minted

Ocean Planet Founders Token is an Early Supporters Badge! Proud owners of Founders Token will be eligible for a closed promo drops, special discounts, and other game bonuses!

Those who will support the Ocean Planet in an Early days will receive special perks of the "Founder"

  • Closed discord channel for founders
  • Special Discord Rank
  • 20% discount for all future pack sales
  • Token holders will get free promo drops of our upcoming and ongoing projects
  • Possibility of getting a 30% discount on a physical game swag - TBA Later
  • Other in-game perks and a special bonus for in-game DEFI proposals
  • CryptoBrewMaster Special Promo Claims