Possible mint: #122 / ∞


HOOT - Black Friday 2023 (Half Off)


20.78 WAX

Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞

Sold 121

HOOT loves celebrating his favorite pop culture fandoms and events, and Black Friday has become one of the biggest events of the year. While he was initially reluctant to the idea of discounting his new line of NU Tshirts and cOWLsplay NFTs, he eventually came around and decided that he could make a one time offer to sell a "Half Off" HOOT NFT!

If you do manage to acquire one of these special NFTs and hold it until Saturday (11/25/23), you'll receive a very special Black Friday BONUS NFT in your wallet AND you'll find a special blend waiting for you on NeftyBlocks!

Scoop up at least one, or grab "one to rock" and "one to stock" or stock up on even more. This is a limited time offer that won't be back any time soon!