Max reached

Nerds Unite - Light it Up!


141.64 WAX

Available / Max supply 0 / 975

Sold 975

The Nerds Unite - Light it Up NFT set is a continuation of the Light it Up stickers and the largest NFT project to date for Sully. Future Blends and possibly Super Blends will be announced on Sully's LIVE Twitch streams and social channels.

  • Twitch:
  • Twitter:

Each "Nerds Unite - Light it Up" NFT pack contains 3 NFTs.

Rarity | Odds

  • Common - 12.5%
  • Uncommon - 8.5%
  • Rare - 6.83%
  • Epic - 5.83%
  • Legendary - 1.83%
  • Grail - .83% (redeemable)
  • One of One - .03%

Unpack URL: