Possible mint: #212 / 100000




Available / Max supply 99789 / 99997

Sold 208


Nobody wants the chaos that started on 02/24/22.

**Nobody wants a war. **

**The owner of this item is the keeper of peacetime throughout the world. 80% of sales of this item go to help UA victims of the war. **

This is not a thing for speculation and resale, you can purchase it at any time on the collection website https://neftyblocks.com/c/minepleasure

UA RU KZ RB people can join our tg chat and monitor where and what sales funds are spent on https://t.me/atomiccrypterchat

A symbolic price has been set so that this product does not go to bots. 20% go to cover the cost of RAM and the cost of transferring funds. 80% goes to help people.

A little later, you can blend these tokens into medals.
Medal of Truth = 10 Tokens
Goodness Medal = 100 Tokens
Medal of Honor = 300 tokens

I wish peace and health to all people