
Crypto Pizza Elephants 2 Pack



Available / Max supply 163 / 480

Sold 317

Collect and find all 10 Crypto Pizza Elephants and blend them all into the Empty Crypto Pizza Elephants Hut to receive a Full Crypto Pizza Elephants Hut!

The first 10 collectors to collect and blend all 10 Crypto Pizza Elephants into a Full Crypto Pizza Elephants Hut will earn a spot in a very limited WAX farm!!!

Find Crypto Pizza Elephants in this Crypto Pizza Elephants 2 Pack and by blending any two LeftHouse NFTs in the Crypto Pizza Elephants Blends!!! Game on!!!

Enter the giveaway for the 1 of 1 Pizza On Us Crypto Pizza Elephant NFT backed NFT and win a free pizza on LeftHouse!!!

There are two cards per pack. The pack odds are as follows:

Common - 52.77%
Uncommon - 27.46%
Rare - 14.14%
Epic - 4.63%
Mythic - 1.00%

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