Common Fancy Cat on a Scratching Post



  • Asset ID1099870152085
  • Collection


  • Owner🔥
  • Schema namezbcat.crafts
  • Template ID670350
  • Is burnable
  • Is transferable
  • Mint5 of 7
  • Max. supply∞
  • Burned2
  • Circulating supply5
  • Backed tokensNone

When you're this Fancy, you put yourself on a pedestal for all to see.

  • AttributeValue
  • name Common Fancy Cat on a Scratching Post
  • img QmbFoZhFsUxZxvzZPuFeakcrMA3tuUbs6K55s2vd7ku142
  • back image QmS8pY6D7AevrTfXsGSkVo648DJmScTBdsmYXruR3XKAAN
  • description When you're this Fancy, you put yourself on a pedestal for all to see.
  • type scratching post
  • rarity common
  • links Find the Zombie Cats on Twitter @ZBCats and join other Zombie Cat Fanatics in the Horde's Discord
  • locked_assets [ "1099870133144", "1099868452768" ]
  • craft_id 154

NFT offers

  • BuyerOffer price
    Placed on

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  • BuyerOffer price
    Placed on

Price history

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