

Owner akqty.wam

  • Asset ID1099787153929
  • Collection


  • Ownerakqty.wam
  • Schema namemonkeystacks
  • Template ID527534
  • Is burnable
  • Is transferable
  • Mint420 of 1,919
  • Max. supply1,919
  • Burned7
  • Circulating supply1,912
  • Backed tokensNone

selfKey is here to celebrate the 50th birthday of Corneille, and to say "thank you all" for making this such a wonderful and loving community. Distributed by Corneille himself and via tipbots, monKeymining, monKeymiles, monKeyslots and monKeytrains.


  • credits


    6.43%(12,179 / 189,433) have this trait!

  • rarity


    41.13%(77,907 / 189,433) have this trait!

  • AttributeValue
  • name selfKey
  • img QmSvKQ5W72ZhN9f4zrwdVzA6ax1aiVoqofMRwZhEjRbLtZ
  • backimg QmYDxr9iCEzi2TPzwt54B2ADMXAZkQnqjjVnXdnJoyRSMw
  • card_id 70
  • generation 1
  • rarity Uncommon
  • credits Corneille
  • text selfKey is here to celebrate the 50th birthday of Corneille, and to say "thank you all" for making this such a wonderful and loving community. Distributed by Corneille himself and via tipbots, monKeymining, monKeymiles, monKeyslots and monKeytrains.
  • memability 19
  • stonks 17
  • pumpamentality 11
  • ape strength 14
  • chimp speed 5
  • potassium diet 8
  • sneakiness 3
  • awesomeness 13
  • powwah 7

NFT offers

  • BuyerOffer price
    Placed on

Template offers

  • BuyerOffer price
    Placed on

Price history

Price history in WAX

No price history available